Best Cydia Sources & Repos
To download apps and tweaks for jailbroken devices it’s required to use a package manager like Cydia. By itself, Cydia comes with some basic sources but with this guide, you can add tons of new Cydia Repositories with jailbreak tweaks and apps.
Cydia app was the first package manager released for jailbroken devices a become a standard how to manage repositories with tweaks and apps. Today, we have some alternatives that work faster and offer more features like Zebra, Installer, or Sileo. All with support for Cydia Sources.
Using this APT (or advanced package tool) you can manage all installed tweaks and themes, add new sources, and search for new packages. Using Cydia nowadays is probably just nostalgia, but the app is still installed by default with many jailbreaks including unc0ver.

There are a few tweaks that can modify the Cydia to work faster, change the look of lists to be more user-friendly, and display the number of installed packages. But Cydia itself is no longer developed by saurik, who admitted some time ago that he doesn’t want to maintain it anymore.
Cydia Repos and Cydia Sources
iOS developers to distribute their tweaks are using some public repositories to share packages or are creating new repositories for Cydia. In this article, I share with you a list of over 80 Repos and Sources for Cydia and other package managers. All are up and running in 2024.
1. BigBoss Repository
By default with Cydia, the BigBoss Repository is installed on all jailbroken devices. All packages are listed in categories. Navigate with ease through all add-ons, carrier bundles, data storage, development, education, entertainment, fonts, games, keyboard, messaging, multimedia, navigation, productivity, ringtones, security, terminal support, themes, utilities, widgets, etc.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
2. Sileo Repository
Sileo is a modern APT Package Manager for iOS 12 and up with a focus on speed and usability. It was designed to provide a real Cydia alternative for jailbroken devices. Sileo officially supports all jailbreaks and can share its sources with Cydia if you’re on unc0ver or checkra1n. The repository contains Sileo and libzstd1 compression algorithm used by the APT.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
3. Zebra Repository
Zebra is a fast package manager for jailbroken iOS devices packed with amazing features. It works extremely fast, compared to Cydia when refreshing repositories or installing tweaks. It supports all devices running iOS 9 up to iOS 14. This is the best Cydia alternative for iPhone. This Cydia Source contains only the stable version of the package manager for iOS devices.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
4. AppTapp Repository
AppTapp is the home place for one of the most popular Cydia alternatives for jailbroken devices –Â Installer 5. This is a modern, fast, and user-friendly package manager for iOS packed with over 100 features. It supports all modern jailbreaks running iOS 9 up to iOS 15. From this Cydia Source, you can download only the APT manager. No other packages are available.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
5. Dynastic Repository
Dynastic is a popular jailbreak repository offering access to amazing free and paid tweaks, themes, and apps for iOS devices. It’s also the official source for AltDeamon, the background running app to sign IPA files on the device with AltStore. This is the repo for SnapBack, Succession, Aperio, ShortLook, SnowBoard, Scorpion, Gesto, and many others.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
6. iPogo Repository
iPogo offers a special repository offering access to the jailbreak version of the Pokemon GO Spoofer. From here you can install iPoGo tweak, and some useful packages including PowerSelector, KernelBypass, vnodebypass, and TweakManager. vnodebypass is the tweak to run PokemonGO app on jailbroken iOS devices. It bypasses jailbreak detection on iOS 10 and up.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
7. Twickd Repository
Twickd is one of the most popular tweak stores offering access not only to paid packages but also to free ones. This Cydia Source contains packages like NoClutter, QuickLS, Ainsworth, Aiir Status Bar, April, 3DBadgeClear, and many others. Twickd allows you to create an account and but tweaks and other packages created by the jailbreak community.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
8. Havoc Repository
Havoc is a new repository that was launched as the Packix’s Successor. It offers access to some best free and paid Cydia tweaks and apps released so far for jailbroken devices. Havoc Repo is the home of packages like PortraitXI, Minotaur, Viola theme, Snapper 2, PowerModule, AnimationsBeFastPlus, Vibrato, BackupAZ 4, Boxy 4, ReProvision Reborn, and many others.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
9. Chariz Repository
Chariz repo is a great Cydia Source with applications, development libraries, system tools, themes, tweaks, and utilities for jailbroken devices. Because it’s a store you can find here both, free and paid packages. The most popular tweaks released through Chariz are Aemulo, SignalReborn, Appaze, Sleepizy, Veza, kai, QuickActions, Dayn, Viper, Goji theme, etc.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
10. Julioverne Repository
Julioverne is known for his Spotify++ tweak that allows you to access premium Spotify features for free. In this repository, you can discover over 100 packages in categories like addons, development, multimedia, themes, tweaks, utilities, or networking. The most useful tweaks published by the developer are LowerInstall, OTABlocker, fastUpRepo, and Alt5tore.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
11. Satoh Repository
Satoh is the developer behind ReProvision Reborn. He fixed the ReProvsion app to sign and install IPA files directly on your iPhone. He definitely helped to reborn the project. In this repository, you can find only the IPA signing tool for iOS 9 to iOS 14.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
12. Pixelomer Repository
Pixelomer is an IOS developer that released over 25 packages in his repository. This Cydia Source contains a few system tweaks and utilities. The most popular tweak available through this repo is TweakReviewsDB which allows users to write and read reviews of tweaks.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
13. Haoict Repository
Haoict is a free Cydia repo with access to 17 tweaks for iOS devices. It offers two of my favorite tweaks Iconcert 14 and Kill All Apps. The developer released also a few tweaks to disable ads in popular apps like Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, or TikTok.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
14. ichitaso Repository
ichitaso is a great Cydia Source with awesome free tweaks for iOS devices. You can download from here vnodebypass, TransparentDock13, QuickWiFi, PrimalFolders 2, PowerSelector, OTADisabler, FiveIconDock13, Exsto, and jailbroken version of AltStore.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
15. Bingner Repository
Bingner Repository is installed by default with all jailbreaks working with the Cydia app. This source offers 381 packages, mostly libraries and terminal tools, that are used by many jailbreak tweaks and apps. This is also the official source for Cydia Installer and Cydia Substrate packages.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
16. Ai CydiaBC Repository
Ai CydiaBC is one of the biggest repositories for Cydia Source created by the Chinese community. Most of the tweaks released there are not available through any other repository. For the moment there are over 2700 packages available (paid and mostly free).
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
17. Anamy Repository
Anamy is a small Cydia Repository with access to three packages. You can download from this Cydia Source Wthr widget and AppBox widget for Xen HTML. Their look beautiful so it’s worth adding this repository to your package manager.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
18. Skitty Repository
Skitty’s offers in this repository some free jailbreak tweaks that anyone can find useful. This source contains Dune, the open-source iOS dark mode or DragEnabler tweak, that enables iPad drag od drop features on iPhones running iOS 11 through iOS 14, and more.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
19. Samgisaninja Repository
Samgisaninja is the first place to find and download Succession and SnapBack apps for iOS devices. Those tools are used to backup and restore the firmware directly from your device without the need to upgrade to the latest iOS version. There are 18 packages available.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
20. SparkDev Repository
SparkDev is a very creative and productive iOS developer providing nice tweaks and apps for jailbroken devices. Packages released through this Cydia Repository include Vesta, TapticKeys, SnowBoard theming engine, SneakyCam, Myriad Beta, MusicDockX, Melior, and amazing Juice. In total there are 66 packages available. Most of them are free and some are released as paid.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
21. Dcsyhi1998 Repository
Dcsyhi1998 is a small repository with few widgets and the only free multitasking tweak for iOS 14 –Â Zetsu. If you like to run simultaneously a few apps on your iPhone screen then this is the right repo to add to your Cydia Sources.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
22. Midnightchip’s Repository
Midnightchip’s repo for Cydia offers access to the SnapBack Beta application, and system tweaks and utilities. Install from this repository tweaks like HomeGesture (enable iPhone X home gestures on other devices), or BetterSettings to view widgets in the Settings app.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
23. SS Repository
SuperSecret Repository for Cydia offers a lot of addons to modify the system look. You can find here widgets for XenHTML, iWidgets, FronPage, beautiful themes, and more. This repository is available only for paid accounts that support the developer. Over 250 addons are available.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
24. Xen Suite Repository
Xen Suite Repository is the official Cydia Source for Xen HTML tweak to run widgets on Lock Screen and Home Screen. Here you also download Xen Lockscreen, libGitHubIssues, and Info Stats 2 packages. This is one of the best tweaks to change the look of any iOS device.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
25. ModMy Repository
ModMy is a very old Cydia Source with over 26k packages available for download. You can find here a lot of widgets and tweaks to modify the system look including add-ones to change the boot logo, install widgets, tweaks to modify the keyboard look, and more. Every package is categorized easily to find a desired tweak or addon. It offers also thousand of custom fonts.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
26. UnlimApps Repository
UnlimApps is the home of almost all popular ++ tweaks for iOs apps. Install from this repo tweaks like Twitter++, Twitch++, Facebook++, Viber++, Vine++, WhatsApp++, YT++, Telegram++, Snap++, Netflix++, Messenger++, Instagram++ , or App Admin.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
27. Morena Repository
Morena Repository is a collection of great and free jailbreak tweaks created by Baw Apple. From this Cydia Source, you can install tweaks like ChatHeads, Slicer, Edictus, Custom Carrier, ConfirmPasteboard, ChatBubble, A-Bypass, A-Font, A-Shield, Axon, etc.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
28. c1d3r Repository
c1d3r is a talented jailbreak tweak developer providing in his repo some amazing paid packages. ChargeAnimations, HomeButtonPlus, PullOver Pro are only a few of the released tweaks via this source. 10 packages are available in total.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
29. DGh0st Repository
54 packages are available in this repository. Mostly tweaks for older firmware starting from iOS 9. Install Cydia tweaks like FloatingDock, HorizontalVideos, HSWidgets, MirrorSelfie, NCClearText, NoHSSearch, UndoRotation.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
30. Karen’s Repository
Karen Tsai is a very talented jailbreak tweaks developer offering in her repository 44 packages to download. The most famous tweak created by this dev is AppSync Unified allowing to install unsigned IPA files directly on jailbroken devices. Find here also MobileTerminal and appinst, a command-line tool to install IPA files, or AirSpeakers to use the device as an AirPlay speaker.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
31. ren7995 Repository
ren7995 is another Cydia Source with great free tweaks making your life easier on iOS devices. This is the home of the beautiful app launcher for lock screen Aperio, the simple dock configuration tool Docky, or Eva, the parallax wallpapers tweak for iOS.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
32. dtathemes Repository
dtathemes repo offers access to populate game console emulators for iPhone. From this source, you can download and install console emulators like Delta, Provenance, Happy Chick, Delta iOS 13, and PPSSPP. Additionally, a few themes and icon packs are available.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
33. stkc’s Repository
stkc’s is a small repo for Cydia that offers access to Relocate Reborn and Relocate Module tweaks. Relocate is a minimalistic GPS spoofer for iOS devices allowing you to change and fake your GPS coordinates in any app including Tinder, Maps, Pokemon Go, etc.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
34. iDevice Hacked Repository
iDevice Hacked is the source for 8 themes and 29 tweaks for iPhone. These include Animore, BarSpace, BlueLanch, CCBG, Cuboid, FastForwardTime, FLEXit, FreeBird, KillMyApps, LcokPage, Pluto, Resume, PowerSwitch, Togglow, and more. All tweaks are released for free.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
35. Limneos Repository
Limneos releases paid jailbreak tweaks and apps taha offer unique value to your device. This Cydia Repo is packed with AnsweringMachine XS, Audio Recorder, AudioRecorder XS, BioProtext XS, CallBar XS, InstaOnlineMonitor, NFCWriter XS, and VoiceChanger XS.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
35. Skylerk99’s Repository
Skylerk99’s Repository for Cydia comes with 70 tweaks for jailbroken iOS devices. All packages are created by Skyler Kansala and don’t offer any options to configure. Those are mostly no tweaks like NoLockIndicator, NoMusicArrow, RemoveBattery, StopClock animation, etc.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
36. Ryleyangus Repository
Ryleyangus is a small repository with a small jailbreak detection bypass tweak Liberty. Download from this Cydia repo Liberty, Liberty Lite, and Liberty Lite Beta. The developer released here also a tweak to automatically lock the device when Airplane mode is enabled.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
37. Miro92 Repository
Miro92 is the developer behind uYou, the best tweak for YouTube that adds a lot of features to the app including removing Ads, enabling background playback, and the option to play videos in PiP (Picture In Picture). You can find here 49 packages including Shortmoji 2 tweak.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
38. udevs Repository
udevs is a Cydia source with access to amazing tweaks. You can find here 44 tweak packages including DockX, Gesture, NoanoFi, Perseus, SafariTabs14, SnippedCommand, SpoRi, VPNIndicator, Zefy, AirKeeper, or BattSafePro. All Cydia tweaks are released for free.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
39. CreatureCoding Repository
CreatureCoding is a great Cydia Source to find amazing tweaks for your jailbroken iPhone. The repo offers access to tweaks like Fabric 2 (customize lock screen date view), cyder (change Cydia look to a more modern GUI), or Shuffle (organize your settings). 39 packages in total.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
40. alex_png’s Repository
alex_png is the home of DarkPapers, a tweak that adds over 50 OLED friendly and Full HD day/night wallpapers into the iOS 13 native dark mode. It works also with newer firmware on iPhones. The dev created also CacheCleanerX tweak to clear the app’s cache.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
41. Capt INC Repository
Capt INC offers access to tweaks like Batchomatic backup tool, WallpaperChanger from the command line, or TypeCentury to display typing directly from the status bar. There is also CoomandModule to run shell command scripts from CC, and CercubeDarkMode.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
42. Poomsmart Repository
Poomsmart is a great source for Cydia tweaks with access to over 110 packages. Install tweaks like Emoji iOS 15.4, Adguard Unbounded, AppPad, EmojiPort, ForceInPicture, 60fps, SMSGroupName, YouMusicPiP, YouPip, PhotRes+, and more.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
43. Gebeto Repository
Gebeto repo for Cydia offers 44 packages including widgets for Xen HTML, tweaks, themes, add-ons, and half of that tweak hacks for various AppStore apps.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
44. Shuga’s Repository
Shuga’s repo for Cydia is packed with a couple of packages containing themes, icon packs, and widgets. The most popular tweak created by Shuga is Luna. This is a free and lightweight dark mode for iOS. Shuga’s source offers 15 packages. All are categorized for better navigation.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
45. Cokepokes Repository
Cokepokes is a Cydia Repository offering 35 packages, including 23 tweaks and 9 development libraries. This is the home repo of AppStore++, the tweak that allows you to downgrade and upgrade apps in the AppStore, block updates, disable ads, etc. The tweak works with iOS 11+.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
46. eXqusic’s Repository
Adam Seiter’s repository comes with AnimationBeFast, a very popular jailbreak tweak that speeds up animations on iOS devices. The tweak works with iOS 11 up to iOS 13.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
47. rpetrich Repository
rpetrich source offers 57 packages. This is the home of popular jailbreak tweaks like Activator, AppList, CacheCleaner, FullForce for iPhone, Icon renamer, PictureInPicture, PreferenceLoader, RocketBootstrap, etc. Very useful source for libraries for iOS developers.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
48. Fr0stDev Repository
Gmoran is the official repository for tweaks created by Fr0stDev. It contains 7 simple tweaks to change the keyboard color base, fix Cydia respring, roundify your icons, and display five icons in the dock on iOS 11 or iOS 12. Nothing to fancy is here available.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
49. YouRepo Repository
YouRepo offers over 2800 packages. Sign in to purchase and download paid packages. From this Cydia Source, you can download 99% of widgets and themes allowing you to change the look of any jailbroken device. There are also a few tweaks available to change the iOS look.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
50. IArrays Repository
IArrays Repo offers access to commercial tweaks created by the developer. Buy tweaks like eSim_, Messages Groups, CallLogPro, Bio locker, Auto SillentMe, and more. Over 10 packages are listed in this source. Most of the tweaks are updated to run on the latest jailbreaks.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
51. hiraku Repository
hiraku repo is a private source for jailbreak tweaks for iPhones and iPads. In this repo Easy Packager, Fasttweet, PowerCCModules, SAndboxiFix, and vLight tweaks were released.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
52. alexbeals Repository
Alex Beals is a small Cydia Source with only 11 packages. One of the most useful tweaks available through his repository is AlphabetSources. Once installed, all Cydia Sources will be sorted in alphabetical order. The tweak works with modern jailbreaks running iOS 8 up to iOS 14.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
53. tihmstar Repository
tihmstar is one of the most active jailbreak developers that helps to provide new jailbreak releases. In his repository, you can find some tweaks, less or more useful. For example in this repo Etason untether was released for iOS 8.4.1.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
54. jjolano Repository
jjolano repo offers Shadow, a lightweight general jailbreak detection bypass tweak for iOS 8 up to iOS 12.2.1. You can download from here also few tweaks for the Low Power mode.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
55. Henrikssonbrothers Repository
Henrikssonbrothers is another small repository with a couple of free tweaks available for download. It comes with Cydia Timeout tweaks that allow to speed up Cydia Sources refresh time by setting a timeout (2, 5, or 10 seconds).
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
56. bid3v Repository
bid3v is a Cydia Repo offering some free tweaks like AccountEditor, BattCirc, BoldStatus, Electrode, Piccter, Pinnie, and randCColor. In total there are 17 packages available for download.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
57. 1conan Repository
1conan is the service behind the most popular platform to save blobs from your device. Blobs can be used to restore iOS devices to unsigned firmware. From this Cydia Repository, you can download TSS Saver app that can save blobs directly on your iPhone. It includes also dimentio package that allows users to set nonce without triggering KPP/KTRR/PAC.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
58. Evynw Repository
Evynw’s Repository is the biggest collection of custom fonts for iOS devices. You can find here 142 fonts for iOS 10 – iOS 14. This is also one of the best places to find over 200 widgets for Home Screen, Lock Screen, Music Themes, and Widgets Packs. Every package comes with a screenshot so you can view how the widget will look like without downloading it.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
59. n-i-n-0 Repository
n-i-n-0 repository contains only one package for download. Use this Cydia Source to install XenSearch widget that adds a search bar for your Home Screen. Use this widget with XenHTML. This widget is available only via this source.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
60. Brianleek Repository
Brianleek is the official source for Brain’s widgets compatible with XenHTML tweak. Download simple clock widgets for home and lock screens, or imitate Samsung Galaxy S9 LockScreen Clock on iPhone for free. Access 7 free widgets for XenHTML.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
61. D-Shin Repository
D-Shin offers nicely designed Xen Html and LockHTML widgets for jailbroken devices. Most widgets are compatible with iOS 9 and newer. The developer provides some amazing clocks and information widgets. XenHTML is required to activate widgets.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
62. Classicxii Repository
ClassicXII is a widget repository for Cydia with access to 14 packages. Download widgets for Home Screen and Lock Screen and change the look of your iPhone.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
63. Fouadraheb Repository
Fouadraheb is the home of Watusi for Whatsapp tweak. When you are using WhatsApp to communicate this is the must-have tweak that allows you to change every part of the app to satisfy your needs. It offers tons of changes you can apply to the stock app. Add this repo to download Watusi 2, Watusi 3, WatusiTools, and Watusi Sticker Packs.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
64. TDMD Repository
TDMD is an excellent Cydia Source with themes and widgets for your iPhone. The repo contains over 33 packages for free download including device information widgets, car widgets, clock widgets, etc. All packages are categorized for better navigation.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
Cracked Cydia Repositories
1. Rejail Repository
Rejail is one of the most popular repositories offering access to cracked versions of paid tweaks and themes released through other repositories. Rejail Repo contains over 870 packages. This is one of the biggest Cydia Sources with pirated content. Most of the tweaks and apps are translated into the Russian language (preferences located in PreferenceBundles).
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
2. HackYouriPhone Repository
HackYouriPhone is a popular Cydia repository where you can access the best tweaks and themes for your iOS device for free. Add the cracked repository (11 000+ packages) to access themes and pirated tweaks available in other repos. This is “the warez” for paid Cydia tweaks and applications on iPhone. Support developers by buying their tweaks from legal sources.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
3. kiiimo Repository
kiiimo is probably the biggest warez repository for jailbroken devices. It’s also a great backup place for free packages that are no more available through official repos. This Cydia repo offers access to over 5650 packages. You can find here almost anything. From themes and tweaks to wallpapers, widgets, and more. kiiimo offers also some unique tweaks like Anti-Revoke.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
4. Panda Helper Repository
Panda Helper repo offers access to the popular Panda Helper third-party App Store with access to thousands of paid apps and games for free. This special edition of PandaHelper Lite for jailbreak allows you to install all iOS apps without certificate revokes. The Panda Repo contains also packages like AppSync Unified, Apple File Conduit 2, and Debian Packager.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
5. Julio HackYouriPhone Repository
Julioverne is a talented jailbreak tweak developer. In his repository, you can find some of the best tweaks to remove ads and activate premium features for free in popular iOS apps. This source contains tweaks like YTMusilife, Spotilife, Plutolife, Hululife, CyDown, and CrackTool4.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
6. pxcex Repository
pxcex is a great source for over 250 packages with tweaks and hacks for popular AppStore apps. Most of the hacks activate paid premium features in apps for free. You can find here ++ apps like djay, AutoCad, Spotify, FaceTune, Planner 5D, DU Recorder, Guardian Firewall, Betternet, Camera360, Enlight, LastPass, and many others.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
7. A Arab-Cydia Repository
A Arab-Cydia offers access to over 1860 packages including popular hacks for iOS games installed from the official App Store, and various iOS apps. You can download from this Cydia repository also many popular free and paid tweaks for jailbroken devices.
Repo URL:
[epcl_button label=”Sileo” url=”sileo://source/” type=”outline” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Zebra” url=”zbra://sources/add/” type=”outline” color=”white” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
Retro games online